Authentic Etiquette of Eating & Hosting
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Authentic Etiquette of Eating & Hosting From The Quran and Sunnah with 150 recipes from around the world.

Then let man consider his food
That We pour forth water in abundance,
Then We split the earth in clefts,
After which We cause therein the grain to grow,
And grapes and clover plants,
And olives and date palms,
And gardens, dense with many trees,
And fruits and herbage,
A provision and benefit for you and your cattle.
[Al-Abasa 80:24-32]

O you who believe, eat of the good (lawful) things
We have provided you with, and be grateful to Allah,
If it is indeed He whom you worship.
[Al-Baqarah 2:172]

Consider for a moment...

... most of us eat more than 65.000 times during our lifetime yet hardly ever reflect on the significance of what we eat, how we eat and why we eat.

... in food is a sign of our Creator and Sustainer, the One upon whom we all depend, while He is forever free of all needs, worthy of all loving praise and gratitude.

... in food is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the countless favors of the Most Beneficient upon us, and that it is to Him that we shall all return, accountable for what we did with what He gave us.

... in every meal we eat, in every lunch or dinner we host, a golden opportunity awaits for us to earn tremendous rewards in the Hereafter and the pleasure of our Lord...

... if only we knew how.

Consider for a moment...

How can you now pass up the chance to read this book?

ISBN: 0-9535619-0-9
Authors: Accumulated works by Mervet Arif, Itrat Azad, Aisha Benkhelifa og Nadia Driscoll
Publisher: Path To Knowledge Publishing (1999)
Weight: 370 g
Size: 21x29.5 cm
Pages: 109
Binding: Paperback

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